The bomb of North Corea.
The North Corea should make the nuclear trial. Why? For a lot of reasons. First in order to becomes also officially nuclear force. It is something as the marriage, you acquire more rights, against the official beginnings. However who main reason is himself the trial. The world, the persons, have forgotten that it is the explosion of individual bomb. For this it should him they make rightly. Bring camera and they show in all the explosion. If you become in deed in real time. If him I made i, I would call a world channel in order to him it transmits. In 2006, do not have no place, secret trials, nuclear bombs. When they become - the secret trials - usually they make the persons hostile and nervous. It is sure that after this trial, the world community will turn page. The world, will still become who dangerous. Somebodies behave irresponsiblily. The can North Corea with the support of China, blackmail Japan?
be saccessful or not?
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