The nervous networks, as the brain, they are particularly good in to recognize structures in what, it is not easy they are determined precisely. They are educated with the use of thousands of examples and algorithm of "learning" that modifies the weight of connections in the network so as to results the suitable price of expense (output VALUE) depending on the prices of entry (input VALUE).
Today in the space of translation exist two faculties of thought, would say.
First and who old you base on rules. Experts on issues language and polyglottism should with a lot of labour draw up big dictionaries and rules that are related with the Grammar, the Syntactic and Semantics, so that they produce texts in a terminal language.
A observation: does not exist in this method nowhere connection with the mathematics. Who precise method of measurement.
Second that is also who new, you base on the bases of data, on the statistics and in it is in effect the computers.
Those that develop this method, say that they do not put rules. This is a covered up lie, as we will see.
This method is supported in the bases of data and in their most rapid treatment with base the statistics. The mathematics give always precise answer. These persons imported therefore the mathematic precision in the translation. No however absolutely.
Supply the computer with millions texts that are bilingual and afterwards with base the statistical treatment, draw conclusions. In the proposal the am so hungry program will see how much times this corresponds in the Greek total, in the phrase: Εγώ είμαι τόσο πεινασμένος. Does not exist no doubt that the program will give a price. Ph 95%. If this is also combined with the next proposals, who likely it is you have a precise translation.
It is sure that they use also other methods, what they decrease the probabilities.
However the Grammar, the Syntactic and Semantics continue being here. The grammatical rules exist in the texts that use the program as base of data. Alw'ste does not exist language without them. This is a interesting question.
And the two methods have limits, are obvious. In order to becomes the translation reality, it should are combined also the two methods. No method from alone her is not to give perfect translator.
The one that deals with the first method, it should they find a way to import the mathematics. The ancient Greek language, is the alone mathematic language. Double nature.
How much dimensions it should it has a language?
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