Is dead this person? Is dead this man? alone that they can answer are himself the Muslim. Which proofs we naturally want picture, with voice. the time he measures reversely. the can Muslim they are occupied with their swords, but also our own swords they aren't useless, perhaps in deed to be also who powerfully. Possibly they go also everywhere. Even to caves. As water or the air. He is dead the Osama Bin Laden? Who us will answer?
Finally season.
Afterwards the publication of text the Talimpan answered that the Osama Bin Laden is live.
Naturally it is coincidence, except and if we knew from who before, when will give answer the Talimpan! After they of course asked first their friends, that are friends and the Osama. Between friends METAXA.
Why the Talimpan did feel this need to answer?
Do not forget that the Osama Bin Laden has it gives real points of life above 24 months.
Us to us covers the answer. We want picture and sound.
What us makes impression, is that deputy commander the organisation you present at least a time in the 12 months, while the head is absentee.
I am absolutely sure: finally season gentlemen. As the Castro. incosequentially with nerts that says the chairman of Venezuela.
Finally season.
That is the OSAMA?
Again deputy commander the Islamic organization, it made statements. However we still wondered, that is the Osama Bin Laden? He is dead or live? When him we will learn? When we will see the Osama Bin Laden, again in his greatness? As old. Prince the Islamic terrorism. Why you don't present? What is afraid? Who secret you hide behind all them?
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