Thursday, September 28, 2006
Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The nervous networks, as the brain, they are particularly good in to recognize structures in what, it is not easy they are determined precisely. They are educated with the use of thousands of examples and algorithm of "learning" that modifies the weight of connections in the network so as to results the suitable price of expense (output VALUE) depending on the prices of entry (input VALUE).
Today in the space of translation exist two faculties of thought, would say.
First and who old you base on rules. Experts on issues language and polyglottism should with a lot of labour draw up big dictionaries and rules that are related with the Grammar, the Syntactic and Semantics, so that they produce texts in a terminal language.
A observation: does not exist in this method nowhere connection with the mathematics. Who precise method of measurement.
Second that is also who new, you base on the bases of data, on the statistics and in it is in effect the computers.
Those that develop this method, say that they do not put rules. This is a covered up lie, as we will see.
This method is supported in the bases of data and in their most rapid treatment with base the statistics. The mathematics give always precise answer. These persons imported therefore the mathematic precision in the translation. No however absolutely.
Supply the computer with millions texts that are bilingual and afterwards with base the statistical treatment, draw conclusions. In the proposal the am so hungry program will see how much times this corresponds in the Greek total, in the phrase: Εγώ είμαι τόσο πεινασμένος. Does not exist no doubt that the program will give a price. Ph 95%. If this is also combined with the next proposals, who likely it is you have a precise translation.
It is sure that they use also other methods, what they decrease the probabilities.
However the Grammar, the Syntactic and Semantics continue being here. The grammatical rules exist in the texts that use the program as base of data. Alw'ste does not exist language without them. This is a interesting question.
And the two methods have limits, are obvious. In order to becomes the translation reality, it should are combined also the two methods. No method from alone her is not to give perfect translator.
The one that deals with the first method, it should they find a way to import the mathematics. The ancient Greek language, is the alone mathematic language. Double nature.
How much dimensions it should it has a language?
Monday, September 25, 2006

Is dead this person? Is dead this man? alone that they can answer are himself the Muslim. Which proofs we naturally want picture, with voice. the time he measures reversely. the can Muslim they are occupied with their swords, but also our own swords they aren't useless, perhaps in deed to be also who powerfully. Possibly they go also everywhere. Even to caves. As water or the air. He is dead the Osama Bin Laden? Who us will answer?
Finally season.
Afterwards the publication of text the Talimpan answered that the Osama Bin Laden is live.
Naturally it is coincidence, except and if we knew from who before, when will give answer the Talimpan! After they of course asked first their friends, that are friends and the Osama. Between friends METAXA.
Why the Talimpan did feel this need to answer?
Do not forget that the Osama Bin Laden has it gives real points of life above 24 months.
Us to us covers the answer. We want picture and sound.
What us makes impression, is that deputy commander the organisation you present at least a time in the 12 months, while the head is absentee.
I am absolutely sure: finally season gentlemen. As the Castro. incosequentially with nerts that says the chairman of Venezuela.
Finally season.
That is the OSAMA?
Again deputy commander the Islamic organization, it made statements. However we still wondered, that is the Osama Bin Laden? He is dead or live? When him we will learn? When we will see the Osama Bin Laden, again in his greatness? As old. Prince the Islamic terrorism. Why you don't present? What is afraid? Who secret you hide behind all them?
Friday, September 22, 2006
The oil exists abundant.

The oil exists abundant.
No one of the crises, that have become up to moment, was not physics. All the crises of oil were artificial. Exists abundant oil, you ensures. Also the prices as they are shaped, it exists punditry in this. Are encouraged the renewable sources of energy. All enterprises and states invest rightly, in this direction, they will gain. Places of work, knowledge and many still profits.
With regard to the drivers of oil, these should be as long as more they can. It is obvious why.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

These barbarians protest for the text that read the Pope. If you see behind you, appears the Temple of Saint Sofia. Him they have made her museum and they have worn minarets. One from who important and more beautiful churches of Christianity. These are the Muslim that somebodies believe that they have right. That say a photograph 1.000 words.
Can the left wingers to us say something? And the Christians have rights. Chirac felt the need to say two conversations for the speech of Pope. Why i wonder? H France has the bigger mass of Muslim. The mass presses. If Chirac didn't make the statements, you know what would become? They would burn cars and that other they found front them. She is acquaintance the relation of Muslim with the violence. Violence without limits. In northern Cyprus have made the Christian Temples pigsties. It is sure, that also we we will seat with crossing hands. If they burn these flags, we will burn also we. Equal rights. Each time where you become criticism in the Mohammed, they rise, how much criticism has become in Virtuous Enormously. The Christians why they remain calm? Because they recognize the right in the freedom of reason and thought. The Islam is dangerous. It does not have no relation with the Western values. In the democracies they support and apply, religious tolerance. Each one can believe where it wants. In the Muslim it does not exist this. Take their example Talιmpan. Muslim certain that lives in the western democracies, he is a lot of foxy. They exploit the freedom in order to they promote the fascism of Islam. The human rights him know. Take example Iran. Him control the mullah. The priesthood. This is the truth. The left wingers that they like the alcohol and Love without compromises, could never live there. Only coercively. Do not speak for the women. veil and black burnoose from the head up to the legs. The person should have the right of choice. Fundamental axis. Does not exist justice, as him we know we and the death sentence it is something natural. Made crimes the have representatives of Christianity? Naturally and they have made. And have been written a pile books. Have been turned films. I remember however the Dutch director that him cleaned the Muslim, as soon as it went he turns a film for the Islam. Do not bear the critical thought these persons. It is in place to us they kill all. Truth in Iran the opinion they have for the natural choice of Darwin? Him they teach in the schools?
Who it is your opinion for the text? Him you consider extreme?

Saturday, September 16, 2006
A key for wall.

A key for wall.
Each time where I open my PC, in order to I enter in INTERNET, I meet a wall. The wall of language. I I speak Greek and think with base the language, this. The EINSTEIN irrelevantly that went to the USA, thought in the German. The texts that I publish are translation from program. Therefore one of the keys in order to we exceed, the wall. The programs of translation should become better. For this reason you need a uterus. The alone language that can him achieve, they are Ancient Greek. I am sure that in the future, I will find front me, this wall. Each one will speak his language, without this is obstacle in the communication. Under this prism, the linguistic competition, appears useless.
What is therefore a translation?
The substance of translation.
A equivalence of totals. B, G, ……, N.
We take a word from total A and we try to find one precisely same in total V. Equivalence. In the significance same. No in the form.
Who it is the operation of language?
Describe with precision the world and that it exists in this, but also outside from this.
Who language can him make Really this?
Only in entire the human world. Ancient Greek. It is model. With the regular significance.
When a translation you consider right?
When we begin from total A we go in total B, G, D, …….., N and we turn again in the A. And the A he remains inalterable.
The translation is a exercise of precision. In order to we see. WERNER KARL HEISENBERG.
If I make error for a vote the United States of America does not speak today ancient Greek. Make a hypothetical question. That would be the world but mainer the country if her residents did speak ancient Greek?

Sunday, September 10, 2006

The Ramses and the Clair
The Clair is a woman around in 50. For the precision of 51 years. A mature woman. Long blacks hair, that falls in the shoulders, rich breast and beautiful crooks.
It maintains for years bond with the Ramses. Live together 9 years and are shared harmoniously the everyday routine.
The previous week after one frantic and erotic three - hour , the Ramses him said: me you are wedded? The Clair in the beginning, was found in embarrassment, for certain seconds, but accepted.
Thus the Ramses and the Clair were wedded and became pair officially.
Always I will wonder which role plays finally this convention in persons that are atheists.
After certain months, the pair decided he acquires a child. In order to it becomes who completed their relation.
Because however the Clair you find in advanced age of - 51 years - it is difficult procreation. Produce ova that could insemination somebody of spermatozoan Ramses. Thus they decided they make who physiologic. Adopt a child.
Besides it is common practice in our days, the adoption of children. From the one we have pairs that cannot procreation and from the other mothers that do not want they keep the babies that will bring in the world. Ebortions they are minimal.
Thus the next day they went to the responsible office for the adoptions.
Gentleman Smith, good - nutured but with a wild person - form, in the beginning you believe that he is no one gangster, but as soon as you begin you discuss with him, you see that the phenomena they deceive. This therefore the bland person, with the beautiful tinge of voice and the calm tone, to them explained the process. Something very usual and in their end asked they make their choices.
Boy or girl?
Which colour will have?
The Ramses and the Clair decided they adopt a black girl from Africa.
Gentleman Smith to them said that in one week roughly to them he will send a e-mail, so that they go in clinical with him, and they receive their baby.
Thus and it became. This moment the pair enjoys his happiness.
Because however the Clair you find in advanced age of - 51 years - it is difficult procreation. Produce ova that could insemination somebody of spermatozoan Ramses. Thus they decided they make who physiologic. Go to the institute of doctor Wouatson that is expert in the techniques of insemination in - vitro. Thus the other day morning - morning, the Ramses and the Clair went to the institute.
Their doctor heard and them appeased. Today the science has the solutions and the laboratories makes marvels. The process is simple. Only that it should they clarify, he is who body it will accept the breeding ovum. The Claris or some other woman.
When it is arranged also this detail, then we begin and in 9 months you will have a healthiest bantling. Your own child.
Thus and it became.
And the two ways give solution in the problem. They have however in the long run different repercussions in the society and the environment.
Who it is the natural way? Him justify.
Friday, September 08, 2006

The light and his necessity.
You have wondered never why the person does see? Why do the 90% at least, the types that exist in the planet, need the sight? It possible is does exist a world without light? With a proportion? How many important is the sight? What becomes when the sight it is combined with the imagination? Exist however do types that are given birth blindly, how many they can develop these? Astonishing the isn't development of human community? The blinds in the organised states - societies, can have a physiologic life. Of course one from geniti's blind should have developed other faculties. Do these him give the same autonomy? Sure one blind beat out in a world without light, what you become however in the world with light? What we want to say, they are, it can't exist a other sight? The RADAR is a different sight for example.
Sunday, September 03, 2006

In order to all from a situation A in a situation B, exist inexperienced ways. Have all the do ways the same probabilities of verification?
Who short way is also who right?
Does a way that begins from a situation A make a distance H and fall back in the point of situation A, we consider that it terminated?